Inversely, if you find a bad section within a clip, you can reject that portion of the clip by choosing Mark/Delete, or hitting the delete button on your keyboard.
You can favorite that portion of the clip by choosing Mark/Favorite, or hitting the F keyboard shortcut. While reviewing video clips, you may find a good section within the clip. Quick screensaving real estate tip: You can hide the events names by unclicking the “Show Separate Days in Events” in the View menu. Within your iMovie library, media is organized into events, which are organized by date.
This can become rather cumbersome to sift through several years of different project’s media. Generally you should create a new library for your project, as otherwise you may eventually have several project’s media in your main iMovie Library.
iMovie will then bring you into the project view for your new project. If you haven’t created a project, create one by choosing File/New Movie. Generally, iMovie opens your last edited project. Theater: View movies you have exported/shared, or create a new movie or trailer here as well.When you create a new project, you’ll be prompted to choose either a Movie or Trailer project choose Movie. Sometimes it’s useful to duplicate a project here if you’re doing a different edit on a project. Projects: A collection of your edited projects.Media: Where you store your content may have different libraries that contain different media.IMovie is organized into 3 thematic areas, generally found at the top of the screen unless you have already opened up a project: Here’s a brief video that covers how to start a project, import footage, do a quick trim, then export the movie. Note: There is a list of iMovie tutorials online at the bottom of this page that are extremely helpful.